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Photography • Film • Shark Diving

Shark Diver x Cameraman

Tanner Mansell is a professional shark cinematographer and experienced Director of Underwater Photography. His experience includes (but is not limited to) both National Geographic’s television show Shark Fest, and Discovery Channel’s Shark Week. He has recorded thousands of hours as a safety diver, shark handler/feeder, and he has lead expeditions around the world to dive with and film sharks in every environment.


Enter the Watermen

With well over 2,000 hours of experience diving with sharks and a passion for this animal that dates back to childhood, he has developed unique skills in the ocean and a deep understanding of shark behavior. He began to photograph them with a mission to change public perception to ensure their future in our ecosystems. To this day they remain his passion, greatest drive, and purpose in life.


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Basic Principles

The environment will always take first priority when doing business and he will continue to develop an understanding for our beautiful planet and be of service to it. He wants to help motivate change in our culture and inspire individuals to seek visceral experience in the ocean and ultimately help protect sharks.


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Photo, Film, & Conservation

His work is inspired by a love for the ocean and its inhabitants. This love has lead to a lifetime of dedication to helping protect the ocean at all costs through film making. He can work under any environment and provide only the best results. Contact for rates, availability, and more!

Email below to book a shoot, world-wide shark expeditions, and more!
